Thursday 31 July 2014

Katamari on the Papers

This idea has been on my mind for a decent while and I didn't have the time to bring to life until now. I'm pretty pleased with the results though the King of all Cosmos was a huge pain to create. The idea was of creating a katamari collage made from images of objects that I cut out from a catalogue, catching the surreal style of the Katamari universe. 

I've decided to stick with his We <3 Katamari design due to it being not too complex to translate into paper. The background was actually an experimental piece of work that I decided to re-use for a neat looking cloudy background. I used sticky pads below some of the parts of the picture to give a more pop-up look. 

Alongside the Phoenix canvas, I wish I could better pictures of the canvas so you can get a better view of my work. 

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Phoenix Canvas


This piece was made for experimenting with coloured sequins as "feathers", scales even. I'm satisfied with its outcome and may try to expand on this idea further. I may post a page full of sketches and development work linked to this piece and elaborate on the reasons of why I created it this way and such. 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Owl Themed Christmas Card

A Christmas themed card made from old pieces of holiday cards, felt and festive wrapping paper. Originally made Dec 2012.

Jade the Cat

This was sketched 9/12/13. I decided to paint it a month later using watercolour paints. I had a lot of fun painting this!

Sunday 26 January 2014

Shiny Venonat on Canvas

This was mostly created as a test of how would sequins work and do they go well with acrylics and other mixes of traditional media.  I thought making an image of a Venonat using sequins would be a interesting concept so I went with that.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Traditional artwork of Pokemon using wet media

These are beautiful yet creepy. If I were to create something similar to that, it would no doubt be inspired by those pieces of art.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Team Leaders sprays

This blog will not only be filled with my original ideas and designs, but it will have some fan-art! I admit that I did a lot of fan art in my teenage years.

This idea originally was just going to be the Team Magma leader (Maxie) and Team Aqua (Archie) sprays onto Pokemon Trading cards themed on the two Teams. Since the cards were of poor quality and the sprays smudged easily, I gave up and pondered on how I could use those two spray designs. I thought of a propaganda styled poster but I thought it to be "too obvious" and unoriginal. I ended up being stuck on ideas, then I was suggested to create a set of sprays of all the Team leaders in the main Pokemon series. This explains the reason why I have been late on my weekly postings! 

To be brutally honest, I'm not entirely satisfied with my final outcome. Cyrus and N look rushed but N was such a pain to create so its kind of understandable why he looks the least appealing out of the group!

Characters (from left to right):
Giovanni of Team Rocket
Maxie of Team Magma
Archie of Team Aqua
Cyrus of Team Galactic
N of Team Plasma

Tools used:
Spray pens
Photoshop Elements 6.0

Giovanni, Maxie, Archie, Cyrus and N (c) Nintendo (Gamefreak)